What is this?

Inspired by Derek Silvers’ now page, here are the things I’d tell you about if we were chatting in person and you asked me, “What are you up to now, Tabatha?”

  • Earned my Master’s in Cybersecurity at the University of South Florida in May 2022. Still recovering. Don’t you dare mention a doctorate.
  • Wrapped up organizing Security BSides Orlando 2022, where I’m current president. Planning starts for 2023 soon, reach out if you’d like to help!
  • Ya girl is a FTE again, developer relations in the open source program office at G-Research. I adore the brilliant folks on the team and love working in OSS.
  • Concepts I’m thinking about lately - usually how they intersect: data privacy and security, ethics and humanity in technology, identity development, human development, and reproductive rights.